of Human Security
and Business

Order protection

How to examine the employees while employing?
Scarcely ever an interview with the prospective employee gives possibility to determine his/her aptitude for the capacity or to examine the truthfulness of the personal data provided.  

The corporate group “Komandor” has developed a package of measures for examination of the business worthiness and qualification of the candidates for some positions and their immediate environment for availability of the alcohol, drugs, law enforcement etc.

problems. Such examination is realized also at the previous place of employment, the real reasons for dismissal are determined, professional reputation and faithfulness in the team.

The polygraph test (lie detector test) of the candidates for the position first of all related to the work with the children, confidential information, large amounts, material responsibility is also efficient.

The polygraph is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible to fake it. Our specialists will develop a range of questions for examination of the candidates, personnel faithfulness and integrity, arrange the mental and physiologic examination, data analysis and prepare the report of the candidate sincerity in the key questions of his professional integrity for the position chosen.

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