Provision of security during conclusion of transactions is a package of preventive and practical measures aimed at detection and elimination of outer and internal risks during preparation and conclusion of a transaction, first of all, to prevent fraud on the part of contracting agents.
None business can exist without contractual relations with the partners and contracting agents. The choice of both, under the conditions of market economy, is great, due to what the episodes of unfair competition are quite common, different fraud and evident crime schemes.
The group of companies “Komandor” offers you to use the service of provision of security during conclusion of transactions, so that you won’t face dishonest or criminal people in your financial and economic activity and will save your money and time.
Our specialists will secretly check-up the business reputation of the partner or the contractor, his real ability to fulfil the contractual commitments, factual availability of the declared resources and assets on the stage of preparation.
To prepare the documents for conclusion of the transaction, we recommend using our
legal services, which would totally exclude the ambiguity and hidden risks formulated into contractual conditions.
To arrange safety and security at the moment of undersigning of the contract commitments, it is recommended to use the
personal protection services (bodyguard services) to exclude the possible facts of pressure to the unwanted actions from the contractors’ side.
In case the transaction supposes payments in large amounts of cash money or buying of a lot of expensive small goods (for example, jewellery), we recommend to secure their transportation with the service of
security of encashment and material values transfer. If the goods are large – the security is provided with the service of
cargo escorting.