of Human Security
and Business

Order protection

Safety and security turnkey


Cargo escorting is a package of measures for provision of safety of goods and material values in their transportation by air, waterborne, railway, motor transport.

During the transportation of goods there exist a number of internal and outer risks, regardless of type of their transportation. There often occur burglars and robberies on the road, thefts in the places of layovers, temporary storage and transshipment, dishonesty of employees of transport and shipping companies. In order to ensure the cargo’s safety one should provide for a high-quality security.

The group of companies “Komandor” offers the services of qualified physical security employees, who passed the special training and have a corresponding certificate, for cargo escorting.

Our specialists will analyse the possible risks of transportation of the definite cargo and type of transport, will work out the safest rout considering the places of planned stops, will provide for alternative ways and types of transportation, will provide goods and material values safety to the point of destination with the help of physical security.
The area of application soprovozhdenyya cargoes
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